Dan Abrams News Stories and Articles
Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams

Dan Abrams
Dan Abrams was named "Nightline" anchor and Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News in June 2013. In addition to this role, he continues his daily legal segments on "Good... Read More »
Dan Abrams was named "Nightline" anchor and Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News in June 2013. In addition to this role, he continues his daily legal segments on "Good Morning America," and covers a broad array of other topics with a new branded segment on the show as well. He joins his fellow "Nightline" anchors on the primetime show "The Lookout" and reports on all ABC News platforms, including ABCNews.com and ABC News Radio. Prior to "Nightline," Abrams was ABC News' legal analyst. Since February 2011, he has provided legal insights in major court cases and complicated legal questions from Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias to George Zimmerman and the Supreme Court. Before joining ABC News, Abrams worked at NBC for 15 years as a reporter for NBC's "Nightly News," host on MSNBC, and Chief Legal Correspondent for NBC News. From 2006 to late 2007, he served as General Manager of MSNBC, where he presided over a period of unprecedented growth, with ratings and profits each increasing well over 50% during his tenure. During that time, he was also a member of the NBC Universal President's Council. Abrams is founder and former CEO of the Abrams Media Network, which includes eight popular websites: Mediaite, a media news website; Geekosystem, covering tech and geek culture; Styleite, which covers beauty and fashion; Sportsgrid, which follows sports and sports-related media; Gossip Cop, which monitors false reporting in the celebrity gossip industry; The Mary Sue, a site for female "geeks"; The Jane Dough, devoted to young women in business, media, and other fields; and The Braiser, focused on the personalities and lifestyles of world-renowned chefs. Together the Abrams Media Network serves close to 17 million unique visitors per month. A graduate of Columbia University Law School, Abrams is a recognized writer. He has published articles in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Yale Law and Policy Review, the Huffington Post, the Daily Beast and Mediaite, among many others. He is also the legal columnist for Men's Health magazine. In March 2011 Abrams published his first book, "Man Down: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt That Women Are Better Cops, Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers and Just About Everything Else." which made the Washington Post bestseller list.« Read Less
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Results 1 - 10 of 16 for byline:Dan Abrams
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ANALYSIS: Anyone counting on Kim Jong Un to avoid suicide should remember Saddam Hussein
October 24, 2017 Story from International DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
OPINION: The System Is Rigged, Which Is Why It's Finally Time to Retire the Electoral College
November 10, 2016 Story from Politics BY DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
ANALYSIS: Sorry, But There Still Isn't Enough to Prosecute Hillary Clinton
April 8, 2016 Story from Politics DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
ANALYSIS: No, Hillary Clinton Did Not Commit a Crime ... at Least Based on What We Know Today
February 1, 2016 Story from Politics DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
OPINION: 'Making A Murderer?: Avery Absolutely Guilty But Dassey Innocent
January 22, 2016 Story from Entertainment OPINION By DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
Time for State Department to Help Bring Actress Kelly Rutherford's American Kids Home
March 30, 2015 Story from US ANALYSIS by DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
Yes, the Ferguson Grand Jury Was Different, But That's Not Necessarily a Bad Thing
November 25, 2014 Story from US DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
Retrial, Really? The Relentless Obsession to Execute Jodi Arias
October 20, 2014 Story from US DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
No, Florida's Stand Your Ground Law Did Not Determine Either Zimmerman or Dunn Cases
February 17, 2014 Story from US LEGAL ANALYSIS by DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
Amanda Knox Found Guilty Again: Why the Court Could Be (Sort of) Right
Legal Analysis by DAN ABRAMS
January 31, 2014 Story from International Legal Analysis by DAN ABRAMS , ABC News
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