Teacher's praise helps students focus more than punishment, study finds
By Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
January 29, 2020
from GMA
Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
, ABC News
Treatment for opioid addiction is increasing, except in the young
By Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
January 28, 2020
from Health
Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
, ABC News
Snakes could be the source of new coronavirus found in China
By Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
January 24, 2020
from Health
Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
, ABC News
Sunscreen can be absorbed in the bloodstream, new study says
By Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
January 22, 2020
from Health
Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
, ABC News
Women's blood vessels age faster than men's: Study
By Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
January 16, 2020
from Health
Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
, ABC News
Alcohol-related deaths in US have doubled since 1999: Study
By Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
January 11, 2020
from Health
Dr. Manavjeet Sidhu
, ABC News