STI rates are on the rise: Here's what you need to know
By Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 29, 2018
from Health
Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
As teens turn to cosmetic surgery, study outlines new age-appropriate guidelines
By Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 28, 2018
from GMA
Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
An aspirin a day may not always keep the doctor away
By Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 27, 2018
from Health
Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
1 in 12 kids taking multiple medications at risk for a major drug interaction: Study
By Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 27, 2018
from Health
Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
What to know about the EpiPen shortage and generic version
By Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 20, 2018
from Health
Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
Smelling things that aren't there could be a sign of potential problems: Study
By Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 16, 2018
from Health
Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
Life expectancy declining in high-income countries, especially in the US: Study
By Dr. Richa Kalra and Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 16, 2018
from Health
Dr. Richa Kalra, Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
Kids living near forests have more 'diverse' diets, better nutrition: Study
By Dr. Ryan Guinness
August 15, 2018
from Health
Dr. Ryan Guinness
, ABC News
Suicide risk nearly double for traumatic brain injury sufferers: Study
By Dr. Ryan Guinness and Kaelyn Forde
August 14, 2018
from Health
Dr. Ryan Guinness, Kaelyn Forde
, ABC News