Pa. Man Submits Fake Obit for Mom to Get Time Off - ABC News

Pa. Man Submits Fake Obit for Mom to Get Time Off

The Jeffersonian Democrat

Authorities say a 45-year-old Brookville, Pa., man took booking off work to a new level by submitting a fake obituary for his living mother to a local newspaper.

Scott Bennett sent an obit notice to The Jeffersonian Democrat to get paid bereavement time for his job at a local factory, the Brookville police chief told ABC News.

Bennett was fired from his job and charged with disorderly conduct, Police Chief Ken Dworek said.  Relatives called The Jeffersonian Democrat newspaper in Brookville after the obit appeared to report Bennett's mother was alive and well and the woman herself then visited the news office, the Associated Press reported.
"One of the reasons we didn't file more serious charges was he has enough problems as it is," Dworek said. "He was very remorseful and upset."

Dworek said the man's mother was "rather upset with it all," though the police did not record a statement from her.

"In 46 years of police work this is the first time I've ever heard of this happening," Dworek said. "You think you've heard it all."

The Jeffersonian Democrat editor Randy Bartley says he accepted the obituary in good faith after being unable to confirm the funeral arrangements at press time, according to the AP.   The Derrick, a newspaper covering Western Pennsylvania, reported on Friday the woman was understanding when he spoke to her.

"My only comment at this time is that I regret any problems this may have caused the Bennett family," Bartley told ABC News.