Wash. Man Wins Lottery Twice in One Day - ABC News

Wash. Man Wins Lottery Twice in One Day

If Cary Collings of Puyallup, Wash., won two separate lottery jackpots last week over just 24 hours, according to the Washington Lottery.

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Collings, 61, hit his first jackpot on June 13 after buying a few "Red Hot 5's" scratch tickets at a local gas station. One of them was a top prize winner that made him $55,555 richer.

The next morning, Collings drove to the Washington Lottery's regional office to claim his prize. On his way, he stopped at a local Fred Meyer grocery story and bought three "Bring on the Ben's" scratch tickets.

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On the first of those three tickets he scratched, Collings won the $200,000 grand prize.

Collings, who could not be reached today by ABCNews.com, told the Washington Lottery he has been playing lottery since it started in 1982.

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He told lottery officials he is unsure what he will do with his double winnings. According to the local Puyallup Patch, Collings is married and works for Boeing in Auburn, Wash.