Andrew Dice Clay: Lady Gaga’s Jo Calderone Is Me - ABC News

Andrew Dice Clay: Lady Gaga’s Jo Calderone Is Me

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Who inspired Lady Gaga’s alter-ego,  Jo Calderone?

Andrew “Dice” Clay.

This is, of course, according to the “Diceman,” who was actually in attendance at Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards. (Yes, 22 years after MTV banned the comedian for life for his R-rated nursery rhymes, Clay is working his way back into the network’s good graces.)

“It was sort of mind blowing to me because of the fact that I was banned all those years ago,” Clay said in an exclusive interview with “Watching her up there as Jo Calderone, I was sort of wondering, ‘Is this why they wanted me here?’”

Dice talked with Gaga after she opened the show as Calderone, cursing, smoking, and strutting with sass.

“I called her Lady G. She’s a gangster, you know,” he said. “But next time, she’s got to wear the leather. She’s got to make it authentic.”

“Seriously though, to collaborate with her on anything would be great, as Gaga or as Jo Calderone,” he added. “She might even drop by my show at Cyclone Stadium, who knows.”

Clay’s Oct. 1 show at Brooklyn, NY’s MCU Park, aka Cyclone Stadium, will be his first stadium show in years. A representative for Gaga did not immediately respond to’s inquiry about if she’d join Clay in Brooklyn (or if she credits him with inspiring Calderone).

For Clay, who revamped his career playing a slightly heightened version of himself on this season of HBO’s “Entourage,” Gaga’s VMA performance is just another sign that pop culture wants him back in the spotlight.

“The next thing for me is going to be shooting a special,” he said. “I’ve got another special in me, and I think it’s going to be for Showtime.”