The Death of Michael Jackson: Conrad Murray Trial Week 2
Dr. Conrad Murray’s manslaughter trial moves into its second week this morning as prosecutors continue questioning of emergency room doctor Richelle Cooper who who pronounced Michael Jackson dead on June 25 th 2009. “He was clinically dead,” said Cooper during Friday’s session, “He did not have a pulse.”
Cooper was the first physician to see Jackson in the UCLA trauma room. She testified that Dr. Conrad Murray never revealed that the pop star had been treated with propofol. Her colleague, Dr. Thao Nguyen is scheduled to testify today. At a preliminary hearing in the case, Nguyen remembered how a “devastated” Conrad Murray looked in the E-R, urging her, “not to give up easily and try my best to save the patient.” Also on today’s witness schedule: cell phone company representatives from AT&T and Sprint who will present phone records documenting Murray’s calls the day Jackson died – including one Conrad Murray made to his friend, Sade Anding in Houston. She’s expected to testify this week that on that fateful day Murray “sounded like something was wrong. He didn’t sound like himself, to me, at all.” Earlier this year, she told GMA about the doctor’s mysterious phone call. “I heard, like, coughing like (imitates coughing) and, like, mumbling of voices. He never got back on the phone and then I hung up.”
On Friday Dr. Cooper revealed that Conrad Murray told her that he was treating the singer for dehydration and that Jackson had no history of health problems. “I asked what happened,” said Cooper of the moment when a clinically dead Jackson was wheeled into the UCLA emergency room on June 25, 2009.

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“I was told that Mr. Jackson had been working very long hours and Dr. Murray thought he had been dehydrated and that he had given the patient an IV and administered 2 mg of lorazepam and later gave him [another] 2 mg and observed the patient to [cardiac] arrest,” she said.
Murray’s defense team now admits that Murray gave Jackson 25 mg of the creamy anesthetic propofol but argues that Jackson himself took an additional dose of propofol and a sedative without his doctor’s knowledge, leading to his death. Propofol is typically administered in a hospital setting.
Murray told Cooper that the only medications that Jackson took regularly were valium, an anti-anxiety medication, and Flomax, which is used to treat an enlarged prostate or someone suffering from a kidney stone.
By the time Jackson reached the emergency room, he had been in cardiac arrest for at least 40 minutes and Cooper could find no pulse, all signs of a “dying heart,” she said. Paramedics testified that Jackson appeared dead when they reached the home, indicating he could have been in cardiac arrest for a period of time before the 911 call was made by a Jackson bodyguard.