Stealing From the Homeless: 'Are You For Real?' - ABC News

Stealing From the Homeless: 'Are You For Real?'

ABC News' Bob Henault reports:

On a busy street corner in Hoboken, N.J. a homeless man begs passersby for spare change.  Nearby, a local food cart is surrounded by patrons who see something disturbing: a man wearing a suit steps out of a limo and, without a smaller bill to pay for his coffee, he steals from the homeless man.  Will anyone confront this apparently affluent thief?

They do. One enraged witness indignantly yells, "Why don't you get some change for the fifty, pal?"

Later on, another is more aggressive, grabbing the man's arm.

"Are you for real?" the witness asks.

When the suit-wearing man responds, "It's not like he has rent to pay," he is met with a demand.

"It don't matter … put that money back!" the angry witness says.

What both bystanders don't know is that the thief and the homeless man are both actors hired by " What Would You Do?" Check out their passionate reactions below and see the whole scenario unfold on "What Would You Do?" Friday at 9 p.m. ET.