Ice Cream Parlor Patrons Defend Stutterer Against Bullies - ABC News

Ice Cream Parlor Patrons Defend Stutterer Against Bullies

By Jovanna Billington

For the more than 68 million people worldwide who stutter, life can be a constant struggle. In today's fast-paced society, simple things like ordering ice cream can create fear and anxiety.

"What Would You Do" took its hidden cameras to the Frozen in Time Ice Cream Parlor, in Livingston, N.J., to see if patience is a virtue people have any time for nowadays. We hired actors to bully and tease a female stutterer named Alina, and let the cameras capture customers' reactions. Tempers flared, and customers didn't hold back.

Watch the preview, learn more about stuttering below, and see the full scenario play out on "What Would You Do?" Friday at 9 p.m. ET.

Stuttering Fast Facts  

1. Stuttering is a communication disorder involving disruptions, or "dis-fluencies," in a person's speech.

2. Over 3 million Americans stutter.

3. Stuttering typically starts between the ages of two and five.

4. The exact cause of stuttering is not known.

5. Stuttering is not caused by nerves or anxiety.

6. Stuttering affects four times as many males as females.

7. Five percent of all children go through a period of stuttering that lasts six months or more.

8. There is no link between stuttering and IQ.

9. There is no cure for stuttering.

10. Famous stutterers: James Earl Jones, Emily Blunt, Marilyn Monroe and Moses.

Sources: National Stuttering Association; Stuttering Foundation of America