Lindsay Lohan Asks Why Everyone Is Panicking About Hurricane Sandy

Credit: Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage/Getty Images.
Never mind the closed schools, shut down transit systems, and hundreds of thousands of evacuees. Lindsay Lohan wants to know what the big deal is.
"WHY is everyone in SUCH a panic about hurricane (i'm calling it Sally)..?" she tweeted Sunday night. "Stop projecting negativity! Think positive and pray for peace"
Lohan was re-tweeted more than 3,000 times, and thousands more Twitter users responded to her with comments including "taking precautions isn't negativity…" and "you high sis?"
Incidentally, before sending her tweet, the 26-year-old actress re-tweeted a message from the Red Cross beseeching followers to review family emergency plans. Maybe she's confused, or just needs a publicist.
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