Vivica Fox Says Obama Campaign Needs 'a Little Bit of Drama'

Credit: Michael Kovac/Getty Images.
Vivica Fox knows drama - she presides over a circus of it on the reality series "Prank My Mom," premiering Tuesday on Lifetime - and thinks President Obama needs to indulge in it after Wednesday's debate.
"What I love about him is that he's so great under fire, but he has to realize that people like a little bit of drama," she told today. "He has to walk that line."
Fox, a "sports junkie" who said she's probably watching ESPN if her TV's not tuned to CSPAN, compared the presidential debates to a boxing match.
"It was just round one," she said. "Obama's like the heavyweight champ. He's going to wear [Mitt Romney] down. He's a smart guy."
Between promoting "Prank My Mom," starring in the sitcom, "Mr. Box Office," and working on films, Fox has been supporting Obama and encouraging others to do the same.
"I tweet all the time, I make donations, I'm doing as much as I can do," she said. "I support him 150 percent, and I just want to tell everybody, I know he's not the new kid on the block, but the same excitement that you had in 2008, we need it again in 2012."