Should 'Party in the USA' Be the National Anthem?

(Photo Credit: ABC/Good Morning America)
The American people have spoken, or at least about 500 of them.
The White House's "We the People," an online site for citizens to voice their opinions to the U.S. government, has 500-plus signatures on a petition to make Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA" the National Anthem.
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"It is what is best for this country," the petition says after asking President Obama to "please" make the change.
The goal of the petition is 100,000 signatures. As of 9 a.m., the petition was 99,432 short.
See What Jay Z Had to Say About Miley on Twitter
Cyrus hasn't just been on the minds of patriotic Americans. Jay-Z mentioned her in a Twitter chat he had with fans Monday promoting his new album, "Magna Carta Holy Grail."
Mr. Carter, his handle is @S_C_, gave Cyrus props for "not seeing color" and jumping on the twerking dance craze.
After a fan also asked whether Jay thought twerking should replace the electric slide at weddings, he said, "Personally???YES.. Miley is a GOD."
The "Can't Be Tamed" singer was honored that the rap legend thought to mention her and tweeted right back, "Call it what you want. But I don't see Mr. Carter shoutin any of you b@&ches out. #twerkmileytwerk"
A possible new National Anthem and new friendship all in one day. Nice work, Miley.