Man Pays $100,000 to Look Like Justin Bieber
There are Beliebers, and then there's Toby Sheldon.
Sheldon, a 33-year-old songwriter in Los Angeles, told a British tabloid that he has paid nearly $100,000 to look like Justin Bieber.
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Sheldon's obsession with looking like the 19-year-old pop star began in 2008, according to the Daily Mail.
"Once Justin shot to fame, his face was everywhere and I all I kept thinking when I saw his picture was, "I want to look like him,'" he said.
So Sheldon, who had already spent $8,000 on hair transplants, visited a plastic surgeon, armed with a photo of Bieber.
"It took three transplants and a total of $21,000 to accurately lower my hair line, close off my temples and grow back my bang," he said.
Face and lip fillers, Botox and Aquamid injections in his forehead and temple followed. Then, in 2012, he spent nearly $5,000 on surgery to lift his upper eyelids.
"But it took going to eight different surgeons before anyone would agree to operate on me as everyone thought I was crazy to be obsessing over such a tiny detail," he said.
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Most recently, Sheldon underwent a $30,000, three-part smile surgery.
"When I first sought out to look like Justin I only paid attention to specific aspects of his boyish look like his hair and the structure of his face," he said. "By using Justin's charming baby face as my inspiration, I've been able to restructure my entire look to maintain a much more youthful appearance through plastic surgery."
But Sheldon said his transformation is incomplete. He still plans to have a nose job and jaw reduction, despite his being happy with the results so far.
"Between our similar hairstyles, baby-faced smile and overall youthful appearance, I finally look like Justin Bieber," he said. "I couldn't be happier about it."

(Image Credit: Double Vidion Media | Barry King/Getty Images)