Robin Roberts: 'I Have Never Been Happier or Healthier' - ABC News

Robin Roberts: 'I Have Never Been Happier or Healthier'

Nearly one year after returning to the " Good Morning America" anchor desk following a medical leave to treat myelodysplastic syndrome, a rare blood disorder, Robin Roberts says she has "never been happier or healthier than I am now right now."

"I'm going to tell you all this and you know because you've had a front row seat [to] all that tumultuous year I had," Roberts, 53, told her fellow anchors today on "GMA."

Last month, Roberts celebrated 100 days post bone marrow transplant that saved her life. In a Facebook post reflecting on that milestone anniversary, Roberts thanked her family, including her girlfriend of 10 years, Amber Laign, for their support.

"My year-end post was just full of gratitude and just telling everyone all that I'm grateful for, including my girlfriend Amber who really loved me through a very difficult year," Roberts said today on "GMA." "I'm very happy for the support and it's just letting everybody know that reflect on what got you to where you are right now and be grateful for where you are."

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In the Dec. 29 post that generated headlines, Roberts expressed gratitude for being able to reach the 100-day milestone.

"I am grateful to God, my doctors and nurses for my restored good health," Roberts wrote. "I am grateful for my sister, Sally-Ann, for being my donor and giving me the gift of life. I am grateful for my entire family, my long time girlfriend, Amber, and friends as we prepare to celebrate a glorious new year together. I am grateful for the many prayers and well wishes for my recovery. I return every one of them to you 100 fold. On this last Sunday of 2013 I encourage you to reflect on what you are grateful for too."

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After spending in the holidays in the Turks and Caicos and Maine, Roberts and Laign, a massage therapist from the San Francisco Bay area, traveled to Baton Rouge over the weekend to celebrate the marriage of Roberts' niece, Judith.

"The highlight, my dear niece, Judith, her wedding and the family was altogether in Baton Rouge over the weekend," Roberts said, showing a family photo she tweeted Sunday that included Judith and her new husband, Tony, along with Roberts and Laign, Roberts' sisters, Dorothy, and Sally-Ann, the mother of the bride, and her sister-in-law, Cynthia, and brother, Butch.

Roberts' tweet was the first time a photo of the couple had been shared publicly.