Nick Lachey: How My Son Camden Prepared Me for VH1 Gig - ABC News

Nick Lachey: How My Son Camden Prepared Me for VH1 Gig

(Photo Credit: Miller Mobley)

Nick Lachey has someone very special to thank as he begins his newest gig today as host of VH1's talk show " Big Morning Buzz" - his 17-month-old son Camden.

"When you have a baby, you definitely become a full-time morning person," Lachey told ABC News . "He prepared me for morning TV, a good year and half worth of preparation getting up early every day."

And in exchange for helping daddy land this new role, Camden gets to explore New York City for at least 15 weeks.

"He's at the age right now, where he's just a sponge, his eyes are wide open and he's taking it all in," Lachey said. "He can't walk a block in this city and not have sensory overload. It will be fun to see him take everything in from Central Park to the people to the trucks and sirens, it will be fun to see how he does with it all."

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And better yet, Lachey, 40, said his wife Vanessa just wrapped filming for her latest season of "Dads," so the trip to NYC will be a total family affair-something they can do now before Camden gets too big and settled with friends and school.

(Photo Credit: GVK/Getty Images)

"We are really excited that we get a chance to do this before [Camden's] in school and make spontaneous decisions like this," he said. "I wouldn't have done this if Vanessa had not been supportive of coming here and living here at the least a little bit. We are kind of looking at this as a family adventure, come to New York, dive in and have fun."

He continued, "Vanessa and I lived in New York for a while when we were dating, so we are semi-familiar with the way of life, but doing it with a kid whole new can of worms."

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Lachey told ABC last year that the idea was to move back home to Cincinnati in a few years when Camden starts school, but with great opportunities like this popping up, he might have to change his plan a bit.

"Cincinnati is home and always where I envisioned raising my family," he said. "It's just hard with work. It's one of those things where we feel we have opportunities that we've worked hard for and Vanessa is on a sitcom now … every time I try to make a plan, it just seems like the whole thing gets turned upside down, so I've quit planning and just going to take it as it comes."

As for the VH1 show, Lachey said it's his opportunity to build on the great job the people involved already did over the year at "Big Morning Buzz," yet make "subtle changes and make it my own."