Hillary Clinton Wants Meryl Streep to Play Her in a Movie About Her Life

Actress Meryl Streep uses her iPhone to get a photo of her and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton following the State Department Dinner for the Kennedy Center Honors gala Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012 at the State Department in Washington.
There appears to be one choice for Hillary Clinton that is not a hard one: that is, which actress she would want to play her in a movie about her life.
The former secretary of state, who is currently touring Europe promoting her new memoir, "Hard Choices," is quite certain that if she could choose who would portray her in a film, actress Meryl Streep, 65, would be her top pick.
"If I had a choice, it would be Meryl Streep, of course!" Clinton, 66, said, without any hesitation, during a video interview with the Guardian on Friday.
The two powerful women have been pretty chummy over the years. At a State Department Dinner for the Kennedy Center Honors gala two years ago, Clinton and Streep made headlines when they posed for a selfie together.
And Streep has even compared herself to the former secretary of state:
"I find a lot of similarities," Streep said at the Women in the World Summit in 2012. "We're roughly the same age, we both have two brothers - mine are annoying - we both grew up in middle-class homes with spirited, big-hearted mothers who encouraged us to do something valuable and interesting with our lives. We both went from public high schools to distinguished women's colleges. … We both went on to graduate school at Yale."
During the 25-minute interview with the London newspaper, Clinton also revealed other personal details about herself, including what she last cooked ("scrambled eggs"), her favorite comedy ("anything with Mel Brookes, Carl Reiner"), and the trait she most deplores about herself ("probably my lack of willpower to get in shape.")
Clinton also admitted she is unable to tell a joke.
When asked to do so, the potential presidential candidate said she loves jokes, laughs at them, but always messes them up when she tries to tell them.
"I will try to preserve my reputation by being somewhat humorless and jokeless by not trying to tell one," Clinton said, with a laugh.