Guess Which Celeb Judi Dench Had Tattooed on Her Bum - ABC News

Guess Which Celeb Judi Dench Had Tattooed on Her Bum

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Judi Dench sure knows how to show her gratitude.

The Oscar winner revealed to a crowd at the 2014 Britannia Awards in Beverly Hills last week her cheeky way of thanking Harvey Weinstein for launching her film career.

Early in her career, she told the crowd, according to Deadline Hollywood, someone famous, whom she did not name, told her that she would never be a film actress.

"You'll never make a film because your face isn't quite properly arranged," Dench recalled the person saying.

She added that it took 36 years to prove that person wrong, when director John Madden hired her to play Queen Victoria in the British television production "Mrs. Brown."

Miramax's Weinstein acquired the film and released it in theaters, where it grossed $13 million.

"Blessed Harvey Weinstein, whose tattoo I still have on my bum, said it would be a proper [theatrical] film and it was," she revealed to the crowd.

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When the crowd erupted in laughter, Dench joked, "Well, he asked for that."

Dench, who received the Albert R. Broccoli Britannia Award For Worldwide Contribution, also thanked the James Bond producer and award's namesake.

"I do owe the Broccoli family, and I had the most sensational time making the James Bond films, and I am so proud this should be his award," she said.