Flickr Photographer: Peter Bowers - ABC News

Flickr Photographer: Peter Bowers

About Peter Bowers:

I live in Toronto and work as a trader but I dream in the north. Lately my job has been pretty insane, as you can imagine. So photography is a creative outlet for me.

We have a cabin on a lake north of the city near the town of Eagle Lake. So I shoot there year-round. I also try to go on wilderness canoe trips a couple of times per year and these tend to be quite productive. In winter I’m able to ski or snowshoe to places that would be very hard to reach at other times.

This summer, I went for a 2 week canoe trip in the Temagami area with my wife and our dog. And next summer I’m planning to go to the Arctic to do the Hood River in Nunavut

As for inspiration, I would cite “The Group of Seven” (a group of Canadian painters) and the writing of Sigurd Olson. I believe in beauty. With my photos, I trying to show the beauty that I see when I travel through the Canadian wilderness.

Peter Bowers – Visit Peter’s  Flickr page to see more of his photography.

Temagami Island – Temagami, Ontario

Standing Stones – Wolf Lake, Yukon, Canada. Taken in my most recent trip.

Broken Lines #2 – Cherry Beach, Toronto, Ontario

Temagami Blues – Temagami, Ontario

Heron Waits – Eagle Lake, Ontario

The Land of Ghosts – Gunn Lake, Leslie Frost wilderness area, Ontario. My wife paddling!

Reeds & Ducks – Eagle Lake, Ontario

A sign in the snow – Eagle Lake, Ontario

My daughter sits on the shore of Obabika Lake – Obabika Lake, Temagami, Ontario

Lines in Snow – Eagle Lake, Ontario, Canada

Collingwood Trees- skiing near Collingwood, Ontario

The Lonely Land- French River, Ontario. Inspired by Sigurd Olson’s book of the same title.