Cornel West Arrested at Supreme Court Protest

Author, professor and social activist Cornel West was arrested on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. while taking part in a group protest against corporate influence in politics.

A Supreme Court spokeswoman said that 19 demonstrators were arrested Sunday afternoon when they refused to leave the grounds of the court. Ann Wilcox, an attorney and legal adviser to the protesters, said West was among those arrested, according to The Associated Press.

Prior to joining in the protest on the steps of the Supreme Court, West attended the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.

A message was posted to West’s official Twitter account around 6:30 p.m. Sunday assuring followers that West was doing well.

“Thanks ALL for your concern. Dr. West is ok. He’ll share his thoughts from today very soon. Stay tuned! # OccupyDC – Bro,” the Tweet said.

A photo of West, in which he is seen holding a sign quoting Gandhi reading, “Poverty is the worst form of violence” was posted to his Twitter feed late Sunday night.

In addition to teaching at Princeton University, West has written books including “Race Matters” and “Democracy Matters,” and often appears as a pundit on “Real Time with Bill Maher.”