A Dull & Boring Story


Boring officials have announced that they are excited to partner with Dull townspeople in a brand new partnership, linking Boring and Dull forever.

Stephen Bates, chairman of the Boring Community Planning Organization in Boring, Ore., helped arrange a new "sister-city" program with a town halfway across the world: Dull, Scotland.

Boring, a town of about 13,000 near Portland, was named for William H. Boring, an early resident, according to the Boring CPO.

Dull, meanwhile, is a small village in the Scottish Highlands, part of Perth and Kinross County, and derives its name from the Gaelic word for "meadow," according to the Scottish parliament.

The new partnership came about when a Scottish vacationer visiting Portland, Ore., took a bike ride through Boring and sent word of the funny-named town to her friends back in Dull, according to the Oregonian .


The friend in Scotland told her book club, and soon the two cities were talking about arranging a formal partnership.

"They were thinking it would be fun to have Boring and Dull 'twin up,' as they say," Bates told the newspaper.

While Dull and Boring may be a new pair, Boring has had similar links to cities in the past, including Normal, Ill. The two towns faced off in a contest in 2009, in which online voters picked Normal over Boring as their favorite town.