Dog Survives 11-Mile Ride Trapped in Car Grill

This white poodle-bichon mix was pulled from the grill of a car after an 11 mile ride that took her from Massachusetts to Rhode Island. Image credit: Courtesy East Providence Animal Control Center
You can excuse this fluffy, white poodle-bichon mix if she looks a little stunned. She just spent 11 terrifying miles stuck in the grill of a speeding Toyota Camry, a harrowing journey down a highway from Taunton, Mass. to East Providence, R.I.
According to William Muggle, the Animal Control Supervisor in East Providence, the Toyota was going about 50 mph down Route 44 in Taunton when the driver saw the dog dart out in front of the car. He slammed on the brakes but, not seeing or feeling anything out of the ordinary, continued on his way, under the impression that he had missed the dog.
Roughly 11 miles later in East Providence, the driver was flagged down by another motorist who saw the dog wedged in the grill. The man immediately drove to a nearby police station, where animal control was called to remove the petrified pooch. "The dog was wedged in between the license plate and the grill," Muggle told ABC News. "She was just holding on for dear life. She had paws gripped on the edge of the inside of the bumper."

Animal control officers pull the dog out of the grill of the car in East Providence, R.I. Image credit: East Providence Animal Control Center
The dog was taken to a nearby hospital where she was found to have had a concussion, a missing tooth and a small tear in her bladder. She had no broken bones. "On the way to the hospital she stood up in the animal control vehicle and I was really surprised by that," Muggle said, adding, "I have definitely never seen anything like that before."
According to Muggle, the dog is "doing great. She's a sweet dog, she's very friendly. She comes over and tries jumping on your lap all the time."
Animal control is working with police to find the owner of the dog, which has a collar but no tags. The white-female poodle-bichon mix is believed to be 6 or 7 years old and has an implanted microchip that was not registered.
If you have any information about this dog please contact the East Providence Animal Control Center by phone at 401-435-7675 or by email at