Couple Gets Wedding Photo Nearly 90 Years Later

HAP/Quirky China News/Rex

By the ABC News Beijing Bureau

The blushing bride and the handsome groom are holding onto each other with a cane in each hand for support. With a combined age of 204, the couple in this wedding photo can be forgiven.

Wu Conghan, 101, and his wife Wu Songnshi, 103, are from Nanchong in Sichuan province. They never had the chance to have a wedding portrait taken. When they married almost 90 years ago, in China such a thing did not exist. Cameras were only for the very wealthy or privileged, and Mr. and Mrs. Wu were neither.

According to their stated ages and recollection of their marriage date, the husband was 13 at the time of his wedding and his wife was 15. Teen marriages were not uncommon at that time in China.

Now, a campaign to help the elderly get the wedding portraits they never had is making their wish come true. Mrs. Wu donned a full length, white wedding gown and veil for the big day. Mr. Wu put on a white coat and black bow tie and stood next to the woman he married so long ago. Together they proudly smiled straight into the camera, practically bursting with pleasure the photo they always wanted would soon be theirs.

The centenarian couple had no plans for a honeymoon. But seeing their portrait on a laptop was excitement enough, and a memento they will keep forever.