Clairvoyant Camel Predicts Baltimore Ravens to Win Super Bowl

(Image Credit: Courtesy Popcorn Park Zoo)
They say betting is a losing man's game, but for one clairvoyant camel in Lacey Township, N.J., it's a winning one.
Princess, a 26-year old Bactrian camel, lives at Popcorn Park Zoo and apparently has the powers to predict the winners of the Super Bowl.
"Over seven years she's only lost once," zoo's General Manager John Bergmann told "Last year, she picked the giants to win and they won. I think she has a record of 6 and 1."
The method to this camel's madness might be hunger driven, however.
"She loves graham crackers. In one palm we write down with one of these magic markers the 49ers, and on the other, the Ravens. We cover them with graham cracker so she can't see. Whichever she chooses to eat first is her pick," Bergmann said. "She picked the 49ers to win yesterday, and they did."
But just this morning Princess had a change of heart.
"She picked the Baltimore Ravens. I guess she picked the older brother," Bergmann joked of the sibling rivalry this year between brothers, John Harbaugh, head coach of the Ravens, and Jim Harbaugh, head coach of the 49ers.
SEE ALSO: Harbaugh Brothers Face-Off in Super Bowl 2013
Princess has honed her prognostication skills by predicting the outcome of many New York Giants and New York Jets games since 2006, after a local radio station contacted Bergmann about getting an animal involved in the DJ's weekly picks pool.
"She would pick a game a week against a DJ and she wound up beating him all the time," Bergmann said. "She likes to make fun of the Jets and [head coach] Rex Ryan a lot."