PHOTOS: In Focus - In Droplets - ABC News

PHOTOS: In Focus - In Droplets

Dave Wood starting dabbling with photography in September 2009 after borrowing a friend's Nikon camera and found himself hooked. He developed a particular fondness for macro photography, while using droplets of water as a second lens.

All photographs © Dave Wood

Drops of Colour

Wood uses twigs, plants and other knick-knacks as subjects that he places in the background and brings them into focus when they're refracted in the droplets.

He manages to capture the fluid beauty of the tiny orbs themselves, while adding another element to the images.

Droplet Silhouette

Shark Bait Drops

Spiderman 3


Bat Drop

Purple Rain

Homer's Collision

Falling Love Drop

Blue Shining


Rose Drops

Dave Wood is based in Manchester, England. You can see more of his work on his website.

See more featured photography selected by the ABC News Digital photo team.