Oklahoma Tornado: How to Help

Paul Hellstern/The Oklahoman/AP Photo
Among the dead were children from one of two elementary schools in Moore, Okla., that were devastated by the twister, local officials said.
All across the region and the county, organizations are mobilizing to offer aid to the victims of the storm. Read on to see how you can help.
You can support #Moore response & other disasters by txting REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10, or online at redcross.org
- American Red Cross (@RedCross) May 21, 2013
You can help #OKwx efforts - give online at SalvationArmyUSA.org or text "STORM" to 80888 to make $10 donation
- Salvation Army USA (@SalvationArmyUS) May 20, 2013
The University of Oklahoma is opening up spaces in Housing for the displaced families! Call 405-325-2511
- OU Sooners (@UofOklahoma) May 20, 2013
#okwx: Use @ redcross Safe & Well mobile safeandwell-mobile.communityos.org & text messaging to check-in with friends & family #tornado
- FEMA (@fema) May 21, 2013
#Tornado #severe storm tools: Shelter map redcross.org/find-help/shel… Register yourself/friend as Safe&Well: redcross.org/safeandwell
— American Red Cross (@RedCross) May 21, 2013