Prince Harry Coming to America - ABC News

Prince Harry Coming to America

Prince Harry is about to embark on a six city whirlwind tour of the United States.

The prince will arrive in Washington DC Thursday. He is arriving on a commercial flight and will be accompanied by just five members of his entourage.

This is the first time Harry will be making a trip to the U.S. since last summer when he was making headlines for cavorting with the ladies in Las Vegas. This time however, he's on official business, representing queen and country and focusing on charities, injured veterans with some jolly receptions thrown into the mix.

His tour begins with a visit to an exhibit conducted by the Halo Trust, a charity which helps clear landmines in war torn countries. It is a cause that was dear to his mother, Diana's heart and Harry has made it clear the importance of maintaining his mother's legacy. The prince will then head to the British ambassador's residence for a reception honoring Halo's 25th anniversary.

Harry, 28, a helicopter pilot who has been deployed to Afghanistan, will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, honoring service men and women who have died in combat. He will also tour the Walter Reed Medical Center seeing the prosthetics and rehabilitation center for wounded veterans. These events are quite fitting for Harry whose private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton described as "a soldier's soldier."

After his military tours, the prince heads to Denver, Colo., where he will watch the opening ceremony at the Warrior Games, an event for more than 200 wounded service personnel and for the first time there will be British team contending in these games.

Also on Harry's agenda is a tour of the hardest hit towns to be hit by Hurricane Sandy to see the devastation for firsthand.

But perhaps the hottest ticket in town is for his final fundraising event, a polo match in Connecticut. They will be rolling out the red carpet for Harry along with Dan Stevens, the most popular "Downton Abbey" actor who played Matthew Crawley, some of Hollywood's biggest celebs and hundreds of hedge funders.

The Palace are certainly hoping that the prince will bring the so called "Harry Factor" and make this trip a success not only for Harry as an ambassador for his country but for the new generation of young more modern members of the British royal family.