Man Bras for Bigger Pecs Are Finally Here

Lisa Blacktop/Funkybod
The male bra - once famously imagined as a "manziere" by Seinfeld's Kramer - is finally here.
British company Funkybod has invented a push-up bra for man boobs.
"The Funkybod undershirt helps to hide the visible signs of manboobs," the website says. "A great confidence booster for men." The design is also meant to improve posture and enhance pecs, the website claims.
"It started as a joke in the gym," said Funkybod director Ash Bhunnoo. "I thought, 'I'm going to invent something… you can wear and you don't have to train.'"
Funkybod started selling the $48 black, white, and grey muscle shirts in March. Approximately 500 had been sold from March until two weeks ago, which is when an influx of orders came in. They have since sold about 2,000 shirts.
Bhunnoo now views the muscle shirts as a serious project.
"We're selling a bit of self-confidence, which is something that women have with their padded bras and body-shaping things," he said. "It's about time guys had that, isn't it?"
"There are a lot of guys out there who have medical conditions and for some reason they can't train. They could've been in an accident. We've sold to some soldiers, as well," said Bhunnoo, who wears them on occasion. "We're helping the little guys out. It's nice. We're doing something good."
And Funkybod intends to explore other products, as well. "We've received requests for leggings for men," Bhunnoo said. "It's in the pipeline."