Queen Mary 2 Captain's Dazzling Bow Photos - ABC News

Queen Mary 2 Captain's Dazzling Bow Photos

Captain Kevin Oprey stands on the underwater bow of the Queen Mary 2, March 2, 2014 (James D. Morgan/Rex USA)

How did he DO that?!

The captain of the Queen Mary 2 posed in a remarkable photo series taken by photographer James Morgan released this week.

The pictures show Capt. Kevin Oprey standing precariously on the bulbous bow of one of the world's largest ocean liners, hundreds of feet below the ship's deck. More remarkably, Oprey appears to be perfectly dry in his dress uniform as he floats on the water.

Morgan told the Daily Mail that two safety boats accompanied Oprey to stand on the bow while Morgan bobbed in a smaller boat right in front of the ship during the photo shoot in Bali.

http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/REX_captain1_queen_mary2_ml_140307_16x9_608.jpg (James D. Morgan/Rex USA)