Meet the Geep, a Goat-Sheep Hybrid Born in Ireland - ABC News

Meet the Geep, a Goat-Sheep Hybrid Born in Ireland

Talk about daddy issues!

A farmer in Ballymore Eustace, Ireland, says he has bred a rare "geep" - what he's reportedly calling an animal whose mother is a sheep and whose father is apparently a goat.

In most cases, the cross between a sheep and a goat is stillborn. But the unnamed baby, with its coarse coat of a lamb and the long legs and horns of a goat, is in good health.

Farmer Paddy Murphy says he had seen a goat mating with a sheep earlier that year, but had assumed that nothing would come of it.

Now, it's the talk of the bar he owns.

"He has been a great source of craic for the lads in the pub," Murphy told the Irish Farmers Journal last week, using the Celtic word for "gossip." "We might even have a competition to name him."

(Photo Credit: Niall Carson/PA Wire)