Pot-Smoking Jesus Takes Edge Off in Controversial Burger Ad - ABC News

Pot-Smoking Jesus Takes Edge Off in Controversial Burger Ad

A burger chain in Seattle is creating a stir with a new promotional poster for Easter featuring Jesus smoking a joint and holding a sandwich.

The restaurant, Lunchbox Laboratory, riffed off Easter Sunday's falling on April 20, or 4/20, which is also a pop-culture reference to cannabis consumption. The business has been using a 2-for-1 promotion for the past two years to advertise their "Burger of the Gods" signature dish.

"I'm not your moral guide in life, I'm selling burgers" Lunchbox Laboratory owner John Schmidt told ABC News affiliate KOMO-TV in Seattle. "It's not an anti-Christian message, it's a very peaceful message; Jesus enjoying a sandwich and a blunt."

A Seattle sandwich shop has created a controversial poster showing Jesus smoking a joint and eating a sandwich. Credit: KOMO