Campus Confidential Airing on "20/20? Friday, January 23, 10 PM ET on ABC


Airing on "20/20? Friday, January 23, 10 PM ET on ABC

When Logan, a junior on a scholarship at University of Massachusetts Amherst, was busted for selling drugs on campus, he was offered - and accepted - a deal not to be arrested if he became a confidential informant, helping campus police bust his former roommate for drugs. Yet this high school honor student and hockey star ended up dying of his own addiction problem months later. Did the campus police forsake Logan's well-being for its own interests? Elizabeth Vargas investigates an incident that could change confidential informant policies at colleges. "Campus Confidential" airs on "20/20? on FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 (10:00 - 11:00 pm ET) on the ABC TELEVISION NETWORK.

Plus: By some estimates, nearly one in five women are sexually assaulted on college campuses every year, and many schools are under fire for the way they handle these crimes. But Southern Oregon University hopes to become a national model for how to investigate and adjudicate rape on campus. SOU's "You Have Options" is a unique program that works to break down the barriers so many victims face; guaranteeing confidentiality, giving victims the choice to proceed with a criminal or campus investigation, and most importantly partnering closely with local law enforcement to ensure perpetrators are held accountable. Niki, who was raped by her boyfriend during her junior year, speaks candidly to "20/20? about the school's "You Have Options" program, which she says saved her life. ABC Correspondent Cecilia Vega also speaks to school administrators and the lead detective in Niki's rape case. "20/20? also has the exclusive tapes of Niki's undercover sting.

"20/20? is anchored by Elizabeth Vargas and David Muir. David Sloan is senior executive producer.