Who Is the World’s Shortest Woman?

She’s a 27-inch tall, 22-year-old college student.
She lives in Illinois, and you can add dancing and cheerleading to her resume.
Meet Bridgette Jordan, the world’s shortest woman, made official by the record keepers at Guinness World Records on Tuesday.
“I believe that everyone should be confident in themselves,” Jordan, a student at Kaskasia College in central Illinois, said in a statement after capturing the crown.
Click here to see more photos of Bridgette and other Guinness World Record Breakers.
At 2 feet, 3 inches, Jordan beat out the previous Guinness record holder, Elif Kocaman of Kadirli, Turkey, who measured 2 feet, 4.5 inches.
Jordan’s narrow win for this year’s shortest woman title led to another Guinness record title, one that hit particularly close to home.
Jordan and her younger brother Brad, 20, who measures 38 inches tall, were also named the “shortest living siblings” by Guinness.
The siblings, who live at home with their parents in Sandoval, Ill., were born with a rare genetic condition called Majewski osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II.
Bridgette weighed 1 pound, 12 ounces, and was 12.5 inches long when she was born, while Brad weighed 2 pounds, 4 ounces, and measured 13.5 inches long, according to Fox2now.com.
Bridgette and Brad may not have to worry about other siblings breaking their record, but Bridgette should hold tight to her crown.
2-foot-tall Jyoti Amge of India is currently the world’s shortest teenager, but will qualify as the world’s shortest woman when she turns 18 in December, a Guinness spokesman said.