Russians, Scandinavians Top 'Atlas of Breast Cup Sizes'

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Relax, all you data-hungry world travelers. At last  there's a guide to the countries with the biggest breasts.

German newspaper Bild has published a  World Map of Breasts, a color-coded plan showing how women around the world stack up in terms of cup size.

It turns out that Russia and the Scandinavian countries are the top-heavy winners, with a "greater than D cup" average  size - hence Bild's title for its  article, "Russian Women Have the Tightest Baskets."

American women weren't too far behind. The map shows the average U.S. cup size is D.

With a daily circulation of almost 3 million, Bild is Germany's most popular newspaper, and it's perhaps not too hard to understand why.  Before the cup-size rating story, Bild published a map charting the average penis size of countries around the world  (Republic of Congo, Bolivia and Hungary were among the countries taking the top spot).

Now, before anyone goes taking this for deep science, Bild  itself points out in a blog entry called Hooray for Boobies that the data used to make the cup-size map might be flawed  and wasn't  sourced as well as the penis-size map.

And the results might seem a bit counterintuitive. Breast tissue is composed largely of body fat, so it may be tempting to chalk up larger breast size to a country's higher rate of obesity. But that comparison doesn't quite match. In the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's 2009 rankings of the world's most obese countries, the U.S., Mexico and New Zealand rated highest. But Russia, which ranked lower than the OECD average,  came in first. Go figure.