Everything You Need to Know About Colon Cancer in 9 Tweets
Colon cancer isn't one of those diseases with its own special ribbon or a season of walkathons, but maybe it should be. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 140,000 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year and nearly 50,000 people will die of the disease. It's the third most diagnosed cancer and the third leading cause of cancer death.
This week's ABC Health tweet chat, moderated by ABC News chief health and medical correspondent, Dr. Richard Besser, and co-sponsored by the American Gastroenterological Association, highlighted the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer. In case you missed the chat, you can check out the full transcript here. If you just want the highlights, here you go.
T2: Most people with #coloncancer do not have a family history. Most imp risk factor is age, typically develops after age 50 #abcDrBchat
- University Hospitals (@UHhospitals) March 4, 2014
T3 RT @DrFriedenCDC:~1 in 3 adults (23M) between 50 & 75 years old is not up-to-date on #ColonCancer screening #abcDRBchat
- Dr. Richard Besser (@abcDrBchat) March 4, 2014
RT @afican_princess: RT @DanaFarber: RT @StonyBrookMed: T4: The best #coloncancer screening test is the one that gets done! #abcDRBchat
— AICR (@aicrtweets) March 5, 2014
- City of Hope (@cityofhopenews) March 4, 2014
RT @limburg_paul T5: CRC screening can be a tough topic to discuss, but don't die of embarrassment #abcdrbchat
- Nicole Ferrara (@nbferrara) March 4, 2014
T7: Quit smoking! Smoking can cause #coloncancer #abcDrBchat pic.twitter.com/UpHfipyWDa
- Tobacco Free Florida (@tobaccofreefla) March 4, 2014
T7 Eating a diet with plenty of high-fiber foods like these reduces colon cancer risk #abcDrBchat pic.twitter.com/cKe4eWvKDz
- Be Seen Get Screened (@BSGS4CRC) March 4, 2014
RT @nbferrara T9 The #ColonCancer Family Registry at @MayoClinic helps advance research: http://t.co/Rl0S9fxTTd #abcdrbchat
- Medical Genetics (@MayoClinicGenes) March 4, 2014
T10: A misconception is that Stage 4 disease is an automatic death sentence-there are treatment options for this-Dr.Hill #abcDrBchat
- Carolinas HealthCare (@Carolinas) March 4, 2014
Continue raising awareness: use this FB cover photo #abcDrBchat Download here: http://t.co/trsV9SXzW4 #abcDrBchat pic.twitter.com/COlBT5qbXZ
- AGA (@AmerGastroAssn) March 4, 2014