Cherpumple, the Turducken of the Holiday Dessert Table
For Charles Phoenix, the turducken apparently wasn’t enough. The turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken – an increasingly popular Thanksgiving treat – was in need of a dessert counterpart.
So he came up with one worthy of the holiday, and he called it … the cherpumple. The dessert is a weighty, three-layer cake with an entire pie baked inside each of the layers.
Phoenix, a humorist from Los Angeles, describes his creation on his website this way: “Cherpumple is short for CHERry, PUMpkin and apPLE pie. The apple pie is baked in spice cake, the pumpkin in yellow and the cherry in white.”
He further explained that the inspiration came from the typical dessert table at his family’s holiday celebrations.
“Seems there’s always cherry, pumpkin and apple pie and a cake that’s a family tradition. It has a layer of spice and a layer of yellow. Since I always want to have a piece of each of the pies and the cake, I figured why not make that waaaaaaaay more convenient. So I baked them all together as one, and the Cherpumple was born,” he wrote.
After the various layers of the cherpumple are baked, they are stacked on top of one another, then the whole thing is slathered with cream-cheese frosting.
So, who’s ready for dessert?
Click HERE to visit Phoenix’s website and get the cherpumple recipe.