'Asian Playboy' JT Tran's First Date Rules

JT Tran, the self-styled "Asian Playboy," has built an empire from hosting dating seminars for single Asian men to help them get over certain anxieties about dating.

Read more about his interview with "Nightline" HERE.

In addition to his "ABC's of Attractions" seminars, Tran and his associates also host a blog on his website to answer fan questions, provide advice and offer tips. So if you want a taste of what Tran suggests for single Asian men venturing out on a first date, take a look at the following: 

  • You only need a few good locations to make a lasting impression: Choose places you know well and control the variables of.
  • Enhance your strengths to Demonstrate Higher Value: If you are terrible at pool, playing pool is not a good date activity. Instead, head over to miniature golf, where you can teach her a thing or two, and look impressive while doing it (sorta).
  • Always have something to talk about: Whether its writing interesting things down or practicing your improv and bantering skills, ALWAYS assume that you will be in control of the conversation for the first 30 minutes to an hour. Even if a woman is attracted to you, sometimes they're waiting for you to give them something to go on. So have a few conversation topics ready and obviously, avoid the first date conversation killers: religion, politics, and death.
  • Get it on your terms, but be sensitive to her: When making the date, be sure to be in control, but also know that things may arise that you didn't expect. If she's allergic to fish, swap out the sushi place to keep the date flowing smoothly.
  • Stay flexible: Along the lines of the last tip; having a plan is great, but it should not be limiting. If she keeps talking about how much she'd like to see a particular movie that neither of you have seen, head on over to the theaters to see when it's playing, even if it's not on the agenda or the ideal situation. Your spontaneity will impress her more than the arcade you had planned will.