Baskin Robbins Introduces Ice Cream Nachos - ABC News

Baskin Robbins Introduces Ice Cream Nachos

(Image credit: Baskin Robbins)

Baskin Robbins has dipped into the world of snacks with their latest ice cream nachos.

The company's Waffle Chip Dippers dessert uses waffle and brownie chips to dip into vanilla soft serve. The soft-serve is drizzled with chocolate syrup and topped with pieces of Snickers and M&Ms.

After surveying over 1,000 Americans, Baskin Robbins found that "one third (33%) of Americans chose chips and dip as the easiest finger food to eat - over mini sandwiches (22%) and chicken wings (20%) among other finger foods."

One in five of those surveyed requested chips and dip as the snack they'd like to see recreated as a dessert.

Waffle Chip Dippers are available until the end of the month for $2.99. One serving contains 500 calories, 20 grams of fat and 55 grams of sugar.