Girl Scout Cookie Boxes Get a Makeover

(Image credit: Girl Scouts of the USA)
Girl Scout cookie boxes have gotten an upgrade.
In advance of their 100th birthday this year, the organization decided it was time for a more modern look. The packaging hadn't been changed since 1999.
The Girl Scouts partnered with Anthem Worldwide, a division of Schawk Inc., to create a box that reminded customers of the role the group plays in girls' lives.
"We want people to know that with each purchase of Girl Scout Cookies, they are not just getting a delicious treat, they are helping girls to be future business leaders and to make a difference in their communities," said Girl Scouts' CEO Anna Maria Chávez in a statement.

(Image credit: Girl Scouts of the USA)
The new look focuses on five of the main skills the program teaches: "goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics."
Pulitzer prize-winning photographer David Hume Kennerly photographed Girl Scouts in the New York Metro area for the images on the box. He shot photos of the girls working together, traveling and volunteering. In addition to Kennerly's images, the iconic Trefoil logo and the GreenPalm logo, which remind customers about the organizations' dedication to sustainability, were added to the design.
The boxes will be available for the upcoming Girl Scout cookie season which runs from October to May.