Ad Agency Creates Aerobic Workout Video For Cats - ABC News

Ad Agency Creates Aerobic Workout Video For Cats

Does your pet cat prefer high-impact exercise to help eliminate kitty love handles? Or, does your pet just sit around all day? If so, a new video campaign created by the DDB agency for Temptations treats is here to help.

In promo videos for the Work It Kitty! workout DVD posted on YouTube, Kate and George of The Best Little Cat House take feline exercise seriously.

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"I thought to myself, 'Why is there not an aerobics workout for cats?'" says Kate in the eighties-inspired video.

(Image credit: Temptations)

Exercise stars Banjo, Harley, Fritz, Boots, Mr.Freckles, Pumpkin and Tom take to the studio to show off their moves. Gifted with an "insatiable thirst to stay in shape," the crew demonstrates rear leg lifts, jumping box squats, ab crunchers, paw extensions and rolling planks.

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"Cats deserve to workout, too. I really believe that," says Kate.

If your pet isn't as advanced as Banjo or Harley, they can still get a bit of exercise. One way to keep your cat fit is to fill a ball with treats and roll it around. Another is to shine a laser pointer around the room which guarantees they'll be busy for hours.