Can You Fold a T-Shirt in Two Seconds Flat?

Consider folding the laundry a tiresome, time-consuming chore no more.

In a video posted to YouTube, "how to" expert Dave Hax shows you how to fold a T-shirt or short-sleeved shirt in two seconds, or even less.

The video opens with Hax folding a shirt in a flash and then goes into a nearly one-minute, step-by-step demonstration from Hax, a native of England.

First, Hax instructs, lay the shirt out on its back. Next, create an imaginary line halfway between the top and the bottom of the shirt, and another line halfway between the shirt's center and outer edge.

The point where the lines meet, Hax says, is point A, while the top point is point B and the bottom of the shirt is point C.

Then it just comes down to a matter of pinching, Hax says. Pinch point A with your left hand, and pick up the shirt at point B with your right hand, he instructs. Then cross your right hand over to pick up point C.

The last step is to just uncross your arms and use the table to "fold the shirt back on itself," Hax says.

Voila. If you can follow that, you'll have your laundry done in a flash.

Hax has posted videos to his YouTube channel on everything from "How to Make a Light Bulb Vase" to "How to Make a Mini Bow and Arrow." But it's his T-shirt video that's proving a hit, garnering nearly 3 million views since it was posted June 12.

Give it a try and let us know. Were you able to master Hax's two-second fold?