Jar-With-a-Twist Billed as End to 'Peanut Butter Knuckles' - ABC News

Jar-With-a-Twist Billed as End to 'Peanut Butter Knuckles'

If you're a peanut butter, jelly or any kind of food-in-a-jar lover who hates to waste even one single ounce of food, then a new product making the rounds on the Internet might be just the one for you.

It's called the Jar-With-a-Twist and a video promoting it as the end of "peanut butter knuckles" - the mess you get on your fingers when digging into a jar of peanut butter - has taken the Internet by storm since it was posted on YouTube earlier this month.

The jar has a "revolutionary twist up design," according to the video, that allows you to push the jar's contents up instead of reaching your hand down into the jar to get a last swipe.

The idea for putting a deodorant bottle-like spin on condiment jars came from four entrepreneurs who have either attended or are enrolled at North Carolina State University in Raleigh , according to the company's website.

The bio for the company's chief business officer, Sean Paul Echevarria, says, "Growing up he consumed more peanut butter than a Ringling Brothers elephant and has now focused his efforts and expertise to resolving the longtime issue of almost empty condiment jars."

A posting of the Jar-With-a-Twist video on Reddit prompted nearly 1,000 replies, ranging from "This is brilliant," to people wondering why they hadn't thought of the invention first themselves.

The jar's creators, who could not be reached today by ABCNews.com, say in the promotional video the Jar-With-a-Twist costs three cents more than a typical jar or can to produce.

They plan to pitch the jar to the peanut butter industry in the next year and then expand from there, meaning jelly knuckles, salsa knuckles, mayonnaise knuckles and who knows what else could be but a memory in the not-too-distant future.