Odiferous San Fran Bacon Restaurant Can Reopen
While some believe there is no better smell than sizzling bacon, residents of one neighborhood in San Francisco can't stand the constant aroma coming from a popular eatery dedicated to the cured meat.
A bacon restaurant appropriately named Bacon Bacon in Haight Ashbury is set to reopen. Neighbors' complaints helped shut down the establishment after they were fed up with the bacon smell filling the streets day after day.
Owner Jim Angelus was given permission to reopen Bacon Bacon at a San Francisco City Hall hearing Thursday. His restaurant, which offers a bouquet of bacon strips drizzled with maple syrup, has been closed by the health department since May.

Credit: ABC News
The bacon brouhaha has been sizzling for months between residents who are sick of the smell and those who can't get enough of the bacon cheddar scones or the grilled cheese served with bacon jam.
When Angelus applied for a permit, the neighbors' complained to the city's planning commission about the odor. The complaints stalled the permit process and the health department was forced to close Bacon Bacon until they obtained the proper permit.
Without their bacon fix, fans of the eatery caused their own stink. Hundreds bought t-shirts in support and signed a petition to have their hog heaven reopened. Many fans took their outrage to Bacon Bacon's Facebook page posting, "Power to the pork!" and "Bacon Bacon shall rise again."
"Saturday Night Live" even got in on the neighborhood feud during their "Weekend Update" segment in May.
"It's gotta be really tricky to walk up to a cop and complain that something smells like bacon," actress Amy Poehler joked.
At Thursday's hearing, Angelus agreed to update the ventilation system.
Angelus expanded Bacon Bacon from a food truck operation and opened the store last year in Haight Ashbury.