Lake Placid Named Best Town for Halloween Fun - ABC News

Lake Placid Named Best Town for Halloween Fun

With roaming undead, raucous revelers and an annual stage performance of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," Lake Placid, N.Y. was named Travel & Leisure magazine's 2013 pick for "Number One Best Town for Halloween."

Though better known to many as the host of the 1980 Winter Olympics, Lake Placid offers many attractions for those who love ghoulish gatherings, including a 5K Zombie Walk, the Trek-n-Treat pub crawl and a Main Street Trick-or-Treat event for children.

For their unbridled love of pumpkin beer and paranormal activity, Snowmass Village, Colo., Park City, Utah, Chatham, Mass., and Ludlow, Vt. rounded out the top five in the America's Best Towns for Halloween list.