This Insane Waffle Tower Will Either Make You Ravenous Or Repulsed - ABC News

This Insane Waffle Tower Will Either Make You Ravenous Or Repulsed

Twelve layers of waffley madness. (Credit: Jacob Burton)

It's a 12-tier stack of waffley madness that has Reddit users both impressed and up-in-arms. Born out of professional kitchen ingenuity, the crazy invention was the result of leftover sourdough waffles from recipe testing. Rather than throw the extras away, Stella Culinary, a California restaurant and online cooking school, had some fun.

"Almost as a joke, we decided to make the biggest, most obnoxious waffle stack that we possibly could," executive chef Jacob Burton said. "You have the whole food porn moniker now, where people try to take shots of these crazy monstrosities, and this was us poking fun at the whole concept."

The stack consists of various waffle flavors, like white chocolate chips and salted caramel; pancetta; duck confit, pistachios and dried cherries; bacon, egg and cheese; bananas, bacon and peanut butter; pepperoni with marinara sauce; and goat cheese and beets.

"Bacon weaves are stacked in between and the garnishes were there just for fun to make it more obnoxious than it already was," executive chef Jacob Burton said. "Various nuts, M&M's, berries, whipped cream, ice cream and a single cherry on top - because we didn't want to overdo it."

Joke's on the Internet, though, because reaction has been divided between people wanting to try the stack and others claiming this is why America's "fat."

"In a professional kitchen you have tons of things that you test all the time that will end up in the trash because it's our job to make sure the best things end up on the menu," Burton said. "So instead of wasting the waffles, we decided to have fun with it and take some pictures, but people took it really, really seriously, which is funny in its own right."