What to Do When Hiring a Nanny: A Checklist for Parents


Raising a child can be tough, and when both parents work, sometimes hiring a nanny is the only answer.

But do you really know who is taking care of your child?

"You really can't do too much to confirm and verify that you are hiring the right person," home child care expert Susan Tokoyer told ABC News' "20/20."

To help parents weed out bad nannies, Tokoyer shared a checklist parents should go through when hiring a nanny:

  1. Check four or five references.
  2. Hire someone with professional experience.
  3. Verify their social security number.
  4. Do a criminal background check.
  5. Take a look at their driving record.
  6. Check if they are on the sex offender registry.
  7. Go through their social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

And after you've hired a nanny, don't just rely on a nanny cam to keep an eye on your nanny.

"Dropping in during the day is a great idea. [Walk] in the front door when she is not expecting you," Tokoyer said.