House Democrat Jared Polis Becomes First Openly Gay Parent in Congress - ABC News

House Democrat Jared Polis Becomes First Openly Gay Parent in Congress

Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., became the first openly homosexual member of Congress to become a parent, as he and his domestic partner, Marlon Reis, announced the birth of their son, Caspian Julius, today.

The infant tipped the scales at 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and his length was not released. An emailed birth announcement declared: “Baby and parents are doing well, [and] baby has learned to cry already!”

Polis has not revealed whether Caspian was adopted or conceived through a surrogate pregnancy.

The announcement, which included a photo of the newborn, asked, “No gifts please, just nice thoughts for Caspian, humankind, the planet, and the universe!”

Polis, who is serving his second term in office, is one of four openly gay members currently serving in Congress.

Fellow House Democrats Reps. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, David Cicilline of Rhode Island and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin are the other three openly homosexual lawmakers currently serving in the House of Representatives, although none have conceived any children.