Marine Asks First Lady Michelle Obama to Marine Corps Ball

Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP Photo
While sorting donations at the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign , this afternoon First Lady Michelle Obama received an unusual request.
Across a pile of race cars, the Associated Press reports Lance Cpl. Aaron Leeks invited Obama to be his date for next year's Marine Corps Ball.
The 20-year-old Marine from Maryland told the AP, Obama said "she'd love to go."
"Actually she said I'd need to speak to her husband, too, but she said she'd love to," Leeks said.
No word yet on whether the request has received the president's approval. "If the president's watching this, this might be the first he's heard of it," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney joked at today's daily briefing.
Carney did not know if Mrs. Obama will in fact attend the ball, but said, "I'm sure she was flattered by the invitation."
A user with the name " Aaron Leeks " has already changed his profile picture on Facebook to a photograph of himself in uniform with the First Lady, matching the outfits the two wore during the charity event today.
This is not this year's first celebrity invitation for a Marine Corps Ball. Co-stars Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake both attended the ball in November.