Santorum Campaign Launches Gingrich Radio Attack Ad

The Santorum campaign is out with a new radio ad attacking Newt Gingrich, ABC News has learned.

The negative ad says Gingrich is not a "true conservative" and that is why he lost Tuesday evening to Mitt Romney in the Florida primary.

"The Florida results are in, and despite spending millions, Newt Gingrich went from a big lead to a big defeat. Why? Because voters discovered Gingrich wasn't a true conservative," the voice over reads.

The Santorum campaign says it is a "saturated buy" and it will air nationwide, as opposed to in local markets, through next Tuesday's caucuses on Fox News satellite radio and other conservative radio channels. The campaign did not provide details on how much was spent.

The ad hits Gigrinch on "support[ing] the Wall Street bailouts, job-killing cap and trade … and radical healthcare mandates" and says the candidate "even supports giving some illegals amnesty."

The ad ends, "It's time for conservatives and tea party supporters to unite behind the true conservative that can stop Romney, and defeat Obama … Rick Santorum" and adds, "He doesn't just talk a good conservative game … he lives it."

Although on Tuesday on the campaign trail in Colorado, Santorum went after Mitt Romney, this is the second ad released the same day that targets the former Speaker of the House.

Earlier in the day, the Santorum campaign began airing a television ad in Colorado and Nevada with a gambling theme called "Deal," ending with the same message: Santorum is the only true conservative and the others are just faking it.

"He doesn't just talk a good conservative game … he lives it," both ads say, a sign that this may be a new catch phrase for the campaign.

The television ad compares Gingrich with President Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

"All three supported radical cap and trade legislation that would destroy American jobs and drive up energy costs. All three supported giving illegal aliens some form of amnesty," the ad reads as playing cards are being laid out on a table. "And all three of these politicians supported the Wall Street bailouts, that was a slap in the face to the Tea Party. Who are these three cap and trade lovin', bailout supporting, soft on immigration, big government mandating politicians? "

The three cards are turned over to reveal pictures of Gingrich, Pelosi and Obama.

Before these negative Gingrich ads, the Santorum campaign had only run one negative ad and that was targeting Mitt Romney.

The campaign did not run any advertising in Florida, where television ad time is expensive. The former Pennsylvania senator came in third Tuesday evening in the contest, behind Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

Also on Tuesday, the campaign reported raising $4.2 million since Santorum's Iowa win on Jan. 3, and they currently have $1.1 million in cash on hand. The  SuperPAC working on Santorum's behalf -  the Red, White, and Blue Fund - told ABC News last week they were looking to make ad buys in the upcoming caucus states, but they have not launched any yet.