Pro-Santorum Super PAC Rolls Out New Ad, Stays Positive

NOVI, Michigan-The super PAC ad wars are now raging in Michigan.

The pro-Santorum super PAC released a new ad that will be running in this state for the next five days. It enters rotation Thursday evening and it is a mostly positive commercial touting Santorum's anti-abortion rights record, calling him a "champion for life," and saying he will create jobs and "cut wasteful spending."

It doesn't mention his GOP rivals except at the beginning when, over photos of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, the voiceover says, "Obama's reckless agenda must be stopped and there is only one principled candidate with the courage to do it." It does not mention any other candidate by name.

Earlier Thursday, the "Red, White, and Blue Fund" announced they had purchased roughly $663,000 of television airtime in the state ahead of the Feb. 28 primary to try and blunt the buy made by both the Romney campaign and his super PAC, "Restore Our Future."

Romney's super PAC has been running ads here since late January and the group and the campaign have spent more than $1.6 million on the airwaves, while the Santorum campaign itself has only bought about $41,000 worth of advertising.

The Red, White, and Blue Fund's new ad, titled "Bold Plan," is notably positive in contrast to Restore Our Future's ads.

One called "Risk" targets Gingrich, accusing him of having "tons of baggage." Another focuses on Santorum, calling him a "big spender" and "Washington insider."