Rick Santorum Campaign Goes on the Air With Ads in Michigan

BOISE, Idaho - Despite Mitt Romney's home field advantage, Rick Santorum looks to be playing hard ball in his rival's home state of Michigan.

The Santorum campaign launched two television ads today that will run statewide.

One, named "Quotes," runs complimentary quotes from prominent conservatives like Mike Huckabee, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh across the screen while dramatic music plays over video of Santorum addressing crowds, meeting with voters, and even older footage used in other ads of him with his family.

The ad even uses Time magazine calling Santorum "one of the most influential evangelicals in America" in 2005. Santorum is a Roman Catholic.

Despite her almost endorsement of Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin is also featured in the ad with the quote, "Rick Santorum has been 'consistent protecting the sanctity of life.'"

It also includes a quote from the Washington Post he often cites on the trail: "Rick Santorum, a Tea Party guy before the Tea Party even existed."

Watch the ad here:

The other commercial called the "Very, Very Best Chance" uses recycled video from earlier commercials of the candidate addressing crowds and spending time with his family. Some is also used in "Quotes," but it is less of a dramatic pitch to the voter.

The voiceover calls Santorum "a full spectrum conservative" and "rock solid on values issues."

"Who has the best chance to beat Obama? Rick Santorum," the ad says. "A favorite of the tea party for fighting corruption and taxpayer abuse … Rick Santorum, a trusted conservative who gives us the best chance to take back America."

Watch the ad here:

The campaign is not currently releasing how much it spent on the ad buy.

Santorum will campaign in Michigan on Thursday, addressing the Detroit Economic Club, and will also give a speech at the Michigan Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Novi that evening.

His super PAC, The Red, White, and Blue Fund, is also considering going on the air in Michigan, but has not yet.